Amazon Business
Business Savings Event
Lead Art Director: CeCe Ramey
Assistant Art Directors: Harold Chacon / Traci Andreassen
Business Savings Event is the biggest Q1 promotional event for Amazon Business (AB), promoting sales and offers for business owners throughout various AB channels. I worked as an assistant art director for the event; developing the event’s style guide by establishing placement specific color systems, and creating 22 photoshop templates for the event that were used towards the production of 1,079 assets by one of AB’s external partner agencies, eg+.
Background Slate Style System
As many of Amazon Business’ asset placements require small file sizes for an optimal web experience, I developed a background slate system at the early stages of the event that helped avoid quality and max file size issues caused by gradients during production. Two different slate styles were developed; one utilizing solid colors for use on assets that required extremely small file sizes, and another utilizing gradients and fades for placements that did not have heavy restrictions. This allowed the event’s creative to remain dynamic throughout all placements despite their spec limitations. This system was applied to all templates that utilized the shape slates.
Background Slates | Solid Colors
Background Slates | Gradients
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